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literals.mylang (Source)

####: Booleans
####: Compact Sequences
    Four forms from two dimensions of two variants apiece:
    * escapable / non-escapable
    * interpolable / non-interpolable
###: Literal Clauses
"{peter-piper.pickled-peppers!H:}^ #030@.15f&#12^}"
##: Bytes
    Without \escapes. \x00 == \C0<NUL>
    No interpolation {here}.
    Without \escapes. \x00 == \C0<NUL>
    Interpolation {here}, but not {{here}}.
    With \escapes. \x00 == \C0<NUL>
    No interpolation {here}.
    With \escapes. \x00 == \C0<NUL>
    Interpolation {here}, but not {{here}}.
\B\': |& :1 >2 <2 ## Inline comment at head of clause.
    |&  Single line separators within clause converted to spaces.
    :N  N number of line terminators appended to end of clause.
        (Example: One line terminator appended to end of clause.)
    >N  N number of spaces prepended to start of each line within clause.
        (Example: Two spaces prepended to start of each line within clause.)
    <N  N number of spaces appended to end of each line within clause.
        (Example: Two spaces appended to end of each line within clause.)
\B\': |=\C0<BEL>\n :=\r\n >=\e[31m <=\e[0m
    |=  All line separators within clause replaced with given sequence.
        (Example: console bell followed by linefeed)
    :=  Append given sequence to end of clause.
        (Example: DOS/Windows line terminator.)
    >=  Prepend start of each line within clause with given sequence.
        (Example: ANSI SGR escape sequence for foreground color red)
    <=  Append end of each line within clause with given sequence.
        (Example: ANSI SGR escape sequence for character attribute reset)
\B\': |&=\r\n :2=\n >2=\t <3=|
    |&= Single line separators within clause converted to spaces.
        Then, remaining line separators within clause replaced
        with given sequence.
    :N= Append given sequence to end of clause N times.
    >N= Prepend start of each line within clause with given sequence N times.
    <N= Append end of each line within clause with given sequence N times.
\B\': |3=\xff <79|
    |N= All line separators within clause replaced with given sequence N times.
    <N| Extend line to width N using spaces.
        If line length is greater than or equal to width N,
        then nothing is appended.
\B\': |&3=\x00\xff <79|=.
    |&N= Single line separators within clause coverted to spaces.
         Then, remaining line separators within clause replaced
         with an N-fold repetition of given sequence.
    <N|= Extend line to width N using given byte.
##: Text
    Without \escapes. \U0| == \C0<NUL> == \U<Null>
    No interpolation {here}.
    Without \escapes. \U0| == \C0<NUL> == \U<Null>
    Interpolation {here}, but not {{here}}.
    With \escapes. \U0| == \C0<NUL> == \U<Null>
    No interpolation {here}.
    With \escapes. \U0| == \C0<NUL> == \U<Null>
    Interpolation {here}, but not {{here}}.
\': |& :1 >2 <2 ## Inline comment at head of clause.
    |&  Single line separators within clause converted to spaces.
    :N  N number of line terminators appended to end of clause.
        (Example: One line terminator appended to end of clause.)
    >N  N number of spaces prepended to start of each line within clause.
        (Example: Two spaces prepended to start of each line within clause.)
    <N  N number of spaces appended to end of each line within clause.
        (Example: Two spaces appended to end of each line within clause.)
\': |=\C0<BEL>\n :=\r\n >=\e[31m <=\e[0m
    |=  All line separators within clause replaced with given sequence.
        (Example: console bell followed by linefeed)
    :=  Append given sequence to end of clause.
        (Example: DOS/Windows line terminator.)
    >=  Prepend start of each line within clause with given sequence.
        (Example: ANSI SGR escape sequence for foreground color red)
    <=  Append end of each line within clause with given sequence.
        (Example: ANSI SGR escape sequence for character attribute reset)
\': |&=\r\n :2=\n >2=\t <3=|
    |&= Single line separators within clause converted to spaces.
        Then, remaining line separators within clause replaced
        with given sequence.
    :N= Append given sequence to end of clause N times.
    >N= Prepend start of each line within clause with given sequence N times.
    <N= Append end of each line within clause with given sequence N times.
\': |3=\U<Null> <79|
    |N= All line separators within clause replaced with given sequence N times.
    <N| Extend line to width N using spaces.
        If line length is greater than or equal to width N,
        then nothing is appended.
\': |&3=\U<Null> <79|=.
    |&N= Single line separators within clause coverted to spaces.
         Then, remaining line separators within clause replaced
         with an N-fold repetition of given sequence.
    <N|= Extend line to width N using given byte.
if coolness > 1 do \':
    Can start at any position in a line. \C0<BEL>
if coolness > 2 do:
    let demo = \':
        Can appear in a nested block.
###: with Quote Delimitation
##: Bytes
\B\\'Without \escapes. \x00 == \C0<NUL>'
\B\\'No interpolation {here}.'
\B\\"Without \escapes. \x00 == \C0<NUL>"
\B\\"Interpolation {here}, but not {{here}}."
\B'With \escapes. \x00 == \C0<NUL>'
\B'No interpolation {here}.'
\B"With \escapes. \x00 == \C0<NUL>"
\B"Interpolation {here}, but not {{here}}."
##: Text
\\'Without \escapes. \U0| == \C0<NUL> == \U<Null>'
\\'No interpolation {here}.'
\\"Without \escapes. \U0| == \C0<NUL> == \U<Null>"
\\"Interpolation {here}, but not {{here}}."
'With \escapes. \U0| == \C0<NUL> == \U<Null>'
'No interpolation {here}.'
"With \escapes. \U0| == \C0<NUL> == \U<Null>"
"Interpolation {here}, but not {{here}}."
##: Decimal Integers
    Can be signed or natural/non-negative.
## TODO: Malformed literals with error highlights.
##: Binary Integers
    Prefix: \b
    Can be signed or natural/non-negative.
##: Hexadecimal Integers
    Prefix: \x
    Can be signed or natural/non-negative.
##: Bytes
##: Unicodes