
Initial Installation

  1. Ensure that you have installed Git LFS.

  2. Clone your fork of the repository.

  3. Install Git LFS Git hooks in this repository:

    git lfs install
  4. Ensure that you have installed Pipx. (If installing via pip, you will want to use your system Python rather than the current global Python provided by Asdf, Mise, Pyenv, etc….)

  5. Ensure that you have installed Copier and Hatch via Pipx:

    pipx install copier hatch
  6. Install Git pre-commit and pre-push hooks:

    hatch --env develop run pre-commit install --config .auxiliary/configuration/pre-commit.yaml

Installation Updates

  1. Run:

    git pull
  2. Remove the Hatch virtual environments:

    hatch env prune

Python Interpreter

  1. Run:

    hatch --env develop run python


  1. Run:

    hatch --env develop shell